Thursday, September 24, 2015

A Beastly Short Story...

Den of the Beastly Bear

Hi Folks!
We're gonna try something a little different tonight.
I was chatting with Kathy over at The Giggling Truckers Wife Writes. She asked if I'd edit something she wrote, give her my take and make any suggestions that struck me. I was once again deeply honored that she would ask little ole me to do such a thing, as I think SHE is brilliant! She was writing a 100-word short story to a picture prompt. She had already written a great story, but it was too long. She kicked around a couple ideas with me, maybe changing her take. She settled on a rewrite of her initial idea, and it's a good one! You can find it at the link above.

But our discussion was rolling around in my head, and I started writing my own little story for the prompt in my head...and thought "I should write this down.".  I however, did not follow the 100-word restriction as I wasn't doing the challenge.

So, here is my foray into short fiction using the same picture as Kathy. You have her to blame...
Hope you enjoy.


As Jane poured the last of the wine into her glass, she stared out at the setting sun and wiped away a tear. She thought it a metaphor for her relationship with Dave, who lay motionless in the bed where they'd just made love. For the very last time.

High School sweethearts, they'd been together through 20 years and two kids, good times. But that was over now, and never would be again. It was the affair.... 
An intern, barely out of college. Wide-eyed and so impressed with him, he thought she didn't know.

So for their anniversary she rented a room by the sea. His favorite wine and they'd make love one last time before she told him she knew. She loved him so much, it was the only way she could let him go.

So when it was over and he lay drowsy and spent, she got up for more wine.
Her purse was right there, and she asked over her shoulder "Were you thinking of her?"
"What are you talking about?" He asked hesitantly.
"I said, were you thinking of her?" She said slowly as she turned and leveled the revolver at his chest.

The windows were open and she could hear them coming, a distant wail over the crash of waves. Everyone's windows were open, a gentle breeze blew in off the ocean so she was sure everyone had heard. She finished her wine, raised the gun to her head and looking out on the last sunset of her life. Joined him in the next.

Well, there you have it...something a little different from your friendly neighborhood Beastly Bear. Please let me know what you think...I am truly interested.

Be Well Folks, 
Beastly Bear

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

8 Pics of Happiness Challenge

Den of the Beastly Bear 

Hi Folks! 
Wow, it's been a while...time sure does get away from you! It's been almost 3 months since my last post.

I've been tagged by my good friend Kathy over at Giggling Truckers Wife in the 8 pictures of Happiness blog prompt. Always one to support my friends, and perhaps needing a boot in the ass...
Here goes:

Pretty, pretty damn expensive! Lol
#1) These two ladies! Momma Bear Kathy and Princess Bear Kaitlin. Without these two I might have more money, but my life would surely be diminished in ways I might never understand.

On Squirrel Patrol
Lovin' her Daddy

#2) My Mocha, our rescue pup. The sheer joy she displays when I come home, the unconditional love, the quiet companionship...she's my baby.

Probably should be something from Craig Johnson or George R.R. Martin
#3) Books!!! What can I say...if I'm not talking I'm probably reading!!! Talk about cheap entertainment?
You might pay upwards of $10 for a 90 min. movie, for that same money I might be entertained for weeks!!!

My Guncrafter Industries 50GI conversion on my Glock 21SF
#4) Shooting. Rifles, pistols, shotguns, bows, you name it!!! If it shoots, I like it. There is a certain zen mastery thing going on to take this tool, bend it to your will and hit a target from several feet to several hundred yards away.

Awesome movie, just make sure you watch the directors cut (European version)
#5) Movies. Old or new, doesn't favorites I'll watch every time they are on. They don't even have to be particularly good for me to like them...
Don't get Momma bear going on how many times she has had to set through Ronin or The Fifth Element!

I got the music in me!
#6) Music. 60's, 70's, 80's even the 90's after that, let's be started to suck. Don't believe me?
Two words: Justin Beiber

My 2010 Triumph Rocket III
#7) The Ride. Remember when we used to just go for a ride? No destination, no timetable, just pick a direction and go...see where the road takes you. In a car was nice, but there's just something about taking your special someone on the back of your bike. The feel of the wind, the smell of the air that you'd miss in your car, but most of all their arms around you as you cruise into the night.

Ahhhh, the sea after a storm...
#8) Solitude. Sometimes there is a simple joy associated with just being ok to be alone with your thoughts. No conversation to keep up, no one to accuse you of not listening, not helping, not caring...etc. Sometimes it's just good to be alone.

Ok folks, there you have it...
My 8 pictures of Happiness. I guess according to the rules I must tag other bloggers...

Here are the guidelines for the eight photos of happiness bloghop:
  1. Tag me in your post.
  2. Link to the creator of the tag. In this case Vidya Sury!
  3. Show off your own 8 photos of happiness and have fun picking them!
  4. You can add a little description of the photos or just let the photos speak for themselves. Easy!
  5. Tag others. Essentially, spread the happiness and make the world a better place!
I am happy to tag the following bloggers! 
No pressure, but imagine actually refusing to have fun!
I therefore pass the torch to:

Jo at My Wandering Mind

Sherry at Faith, Friends & Flip Flops

The Families newest Blogger, my Niece
Rachel at The Responsibility Catalyst

And the ever irascible Joe at Cranky Old Man

Be well folks, Hope you've had a great summer!!!

Beastly Bear